Why Choose our Plants Over Greenhouse Plants?
Greenhouses and hothouses provide nearly perfect growing conditions for plants, and yet these plants have a mortality rate 4 to 5 times higher than plants that are grown outside in their natural environment. Why is that? Well, when greenhouse plants are put in their natural, and often harsh, environment, they don't know how to survive. You know your backyard isn't a greenhouse--and those greenhouse plants won't stand much of a chance there.
Hearty, Healthy, and Beautiful Plants
Malibu Coast plants, on the other hand, are grown from their infancy in the Triunfo/Malibu Canyon, where it is hot and dry most of the time. That means that our plants are accustomed to surviving in the harshest, hottest conditions around; they are hearty, healthy, and beautiful. With our care and experience, you can be sure your plants will thrive in your backyard.